Natalie Runion is the founder of Raised to Stay, a ministry for those serving in the local church. Formerly on staff with New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Natalie is a worship leader, songwriter, and sought after speaker. Her debut book is, “Raised to Stay: Persevering in Ministry When You Have a Million Reasons to Walk Away.”
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Key Questions for Natalie Runion
-How does your book relate to your personal journey?
-How can church leaders challenge their fellow church leaders well when they see unhealthy behavior?
-Are there times when people should leave ministry, and if so, how can church leaders identify when that is?
-How can church leaders proactively persevere in their ministry contexts?
Key Quotes From Natalie Runion
“When we hit church hurt, when it actually happened to us my senior year of high school, my entire life changed. I went from feeling protected, loved, wanted, to now feeling betrayed by the very institution that was supposed to protect me. And it changed my trajectory. I was supposed to go to a Christian college, ended up at a public university, really wrestling with my faith for the first time.”
“It’s hard for the church to have these conversations without wanting to defend the church.”
“We have to, as the church, be able to sit down and have these conversations about church hurt, church abuse, the things that we’re seeing, without being afraid of confronting some of the ways that we as a church have gotten it wrong.”
“Anything that’s contradictory to the Word of God that’s coming from church leaders, anything that’s causing us that to use Scripture to defend abusive behavior or narcissistic leadership, those are where those red flags start to go off.”
“I’ve been in adult ministry now for 20 years, and there has continued to be difficult seasons and bad leadership and abusive different leaders who have been over me.”