8 Practical Ways To Encourage Others in Your Small Group

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


5. Talk about God’s grace, Jesus’ sacrifice, our deliverance and redemption because it’s encouraging being reminded of who we are in Him.

6. Help them develop an eternal perspective and think about excellent and praiseworthy things (Phil 4:8).

7. Let your small group members know you’re praying for them and find practical ways that you can actually carry their burdens with them (Gal 6:2).

8. An uplifting note, a gift or gesture of love showing somebody that you’re thinking of them and believe in them goes a long way.

It’s contagious to find ways to encourage others! Your small group members will want to echo the ways in which you lead the way with encouraging your group. The Lord will use your effort to stretch and strengthen the faith and encourage others so they will be empowered to live according to the Spirit (Romans 8:5). If there were a spiritual prescription to follow for entering into this new season of your small group’s life together, encouragement would certainly be a part of it, and God will use what you do to enrich your community together.


This article about ways to encourage others originally appeared on smallgroupnetwork.com

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Reid Smithhttps://reidsmith.org/
Reid serves as the Director of Communities of Purpose for the Small Group Network and has been a Pastor of Groups at Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach County, FL since 2008. He has been equipping leaders in churches of all sizes and stages of growth for effective disciple-making since 1996. Reid has been a contributing author for Christianity Today’s smallgroups.com, LifeWay’s Ministry Grid, and he developed small group training for the North American Mission Board’s Send Network. One of the ways he expresses his love for helping leaders start and multiply healthy groups throughout their churches is through www.reidsmith.org.

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