It is the most wonderful time of the year! Churches worldwide are bustling with activities and finding ways to serve families within their community during this holiday season. Small groups own such a unique role within each of these special moments. As the year comes to a close and calendars fill up, it is essential to talk about ways to have a merry small group.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time to . . .
1. Party, Party, and Party.
Christmas and the holiday season is a beautiful time of year. The Church celebrates the birth of Christ, and small groups should lead the charge. Designate a time to bring your group together with one purpose in mind… to party! Celebrate Jesus, your relationships with each other, and all God is doing within your small group. Roast some marshmallows, seek out Christmas lights, or wear ugly Christmas sweaters. There is no wrong way to do this, but it is essential to ensure a merry small group.
2. Be Present.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s holidays always mean something very different to each of us in different seasons. There are moments of excitement, sadness, and everything in between. As a small group leader, it is valuable to know what each season brings for individuals and families within our care. We will never be able to say the right thing and make it all better, but we can be present and share our love with everyone. Or, maybe this season is challenging for you. No matter who needs support, keep your group leadership or pastors informed, and remember to be present in the lives of those in your small group.
3. Press Pause.
Many church group systems operate on a semester schedule, and some are coming to a close over the coming days and weeks. Even if you are not breaking, these holidays provide natural moments to press pause. Do not use semester or holiday breaks to disconnect from your small group entirely, but use this time to break from your typical group schedule. Use this time to rest, replenish, and spend time with your friends and family. This pause will help you have a merry small group and launch into the coming year and group semester with more pep to your step.
Which of these steps are simple? Which of these steps are more natural for the group, and what steps would be a stretch? I encourage you to practice these three steps, add some of your own, and ensure you enjoy the most wonderful time with a merry small group.
This article on how small groups can mark the most wonderful time of the year originally appeared here, and is used by permission.