Home Small Group Leaders Articles for Small Group Leaders 4 Ways Confrontation Must Happen in Christian Community

4 Ways Confrontation Must Happen in Christian Community

2. Privately (Matthew 18:15)

No one wants to be embarrassed, and confronting privately gives the best opportunity for a restorative conversation. It is a blemish on community when people talk about people rather than to people. Just as you want people to come to you, treat others with the same love and respect you desire.

3. Quickly (Ephesians 4:27)

Quickly confronting builds trust because people learn you keep a short account and move on. Quickly confronting prevents seeds of bitterness from growing and destroying relationships.

4. Gently (Galatians 6:1)

The best confrontation results in people knowing they are loved, knowing that the best is desired for them, and knowing that the relationship can be stronger moving forward. That kind of confrontation does not happen without a gentle spirit.

Throw yourself into a community where if people see your life or heart unattended, they will say something. And by God’s grace, offer the same gift to others.