

How to Build Sticky Small Groups

This is a very unique point in time to reach out as people are thinking about what’s important. To help them make wise decisions, and to thrive, you need to build sticky small groups.

Solving Problems Creatively for Your Small Group

Every problem has multiple potential solutions. Here are the best six steps to crack the code for solving problems creatively.

Small Group Pastor: You Don’t Have to Know Everything

You don’t have to know everything to be the best small group point person. Actually, it’s better for your small group leaders if you don’t.

How Our Men’s Group Experiences the Gift of Tears

Long ago Christians called it the 'charism of tears' and felt that the men most to be pitied are "those who go through life with dry eyes and cold hearts." I call it the gift of tears because I see the emotional release as a true gift from God that unlocks things that only he can unlock.

Learning by Doing in Groups

What does it mean to learn? Is it merely an acquisition of more facts? Or is it taking those facts and putting them into practice? Meetings are not the only place for groups to learn. Often lessons are better when learning by doing.

11 Great Online Small Group Resources

Where can we find good small group Bible studies? What small group curriculum should our groups study? These are questions I frequently get asked at small group workshops and in conversations with pastors.

Ron Edmondson: My Tribute to Small Group Ministry

The best life, community and spiritual growth happened at Grace Community Church within the context of our small group ministry.

Small Group Planning – How Often Should We Meet?

What’s better: 52 weeks per year, 36 weeks, 18 weeks? Should discipleship stop for Christian holidays? Here is some direction to navigate small group planning.