What Makes a Great Discussion Question?

Great Discussion Question
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What makes a great discussion question? nThe quality of your questions can have a significant impact on the quality of the resulting conversation. There are some general guidelines you can apply to each discussion question. Here are eight guidelines you can start applying today.

A Great Discussion Question Is . . .

1. Open-Ended

Ask a question with a “yes” or “no” answer and that may be all you get. Little discussion means little is learned. Don’t depend on impromptu follow-up questions. Ask a question that will result in a lively conversation right from the start. Use open-ended questions.

2. Understandable

Have you ever been asked a question and didn’t have a clue what was being asked? If it happens to a group, the members will look back and forth at each other in silence (hoping someone knows how to answer the question). These situations happen when we get wordy, lazy or use uncommon words.

Concise questions are less confusing. Jargon and uncommon words may make you appear smart, but is that your primary goal? Don’t get lazy and start reviewing your questions. Read them out loud. Make changes if it reads awkward or can be misinterpreted.

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Roger Carrhttps://www.smallgroupinternational.com
Hi, my name is Roger Carr. I am a husband, father, Christian, business person, writer, and volunteer. I have participated in and led several small groups over the past 30+ years. These small groups included those in churches, work settings, professional organizations, and nonprofit organizations. I am currently coaching small group leaders and serving on the writing team at my local church, supporting small groups weekly.

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