Content and Application

by Jeff Tunnell

Last evening I dialogued with a long-term educator and school principal. We conversed about learning methods and how evidence shows that lecture is theleast effective for the student to grasp content. He noted that the second best situation for learning was in small groups of 3-4, where conversational exchange was followed by seeking a direct application for any newly discovered information. This moves the learner from knowledge to relevance for living. Concluding, with a broad smile, this educator told me that the very best methodfor a student to take hold of learning for life occurs when they are able to teach the content and application to another person.

If we only transmit knowledge to another person, or group of people, in order for them to pass a test by having the right answers, we have not discipled them. Let’s aim higher in our training track, discipling equipping and leadership development processes. Bring each disciple of Jesus to the point of personal transformation and growth that gives them an ability to express and demonstrate to others the life of Jesus within them. Equip them to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15

An optimum environment for Joyous discipleship is within a small group of 3 that meets regularly, preferable found within a group of 12 that meets on a weekly basis, as each person pursues daily discipleship with Jesus. This intimate lifestyle will produce effective followers of Jesus who in turn will lead others in being authentic Christians, teaching both content and application.