Christian News
Kyle Rittenhouse Is Neither a Hero nor a Villain, According to Some Christian Leaders
Since his acquittal, Kyle Rittenhouse has become something of a celebrity. Some see him as a hero, others as a villain. Still, there are others who simply see him as a "foolish young man."
Christian News
‘It’s Not a Church’: BLM and Pride Flags Outside a Church Building Spark Debate
Church on Main, a small Presbyterian church in Middletown, Delaware, sparked online debate over the weekend for flying BLM and Pride flags on the outside of its building.
Christian News
Black and Asian Christian Leaders on Racism: Our Oppression and Liberation Are Linked
Panelists at Black & Asian Christians United Against Racism, livestreamed from Apostolic Faith Church in Chicago, discussed the histories, struggles and contributions of each community and the importance of creating that partnership between them.
Christian News
‘Black Lives Matter’ a Feature of One Church’s Nativity This Year
Claremont United Methodist Church, known for its hot-button Christmas displays, is this year featuring a mural of “Black Lives Matter” protesters behind the holy family.