

The Case for a Church Choir

If you are blessed to be the director of a church choir, don’t take them or that opportunity for granted: make the case for a church choir! Cherish the joy of being part of this rare and wonderful ministry!

Kenya’s Deaf Choir Changes Minds About ‘Burdens’ of Disabilities

The choir’s example has helped convince Kenyan churches to embrace deaf culture.

New Projects Offer Churches Ways to Pay Royalties on the Spirituals They Sing

At least a dozen churches and organizations across the country are committed to monetarily acknowledging spirituals that have been sung for centuries.

9 Reasons for the Purpose of Choir in Church

I think having a church choir is important. I'm not arguing here that every church should have one (in fact, I attend a young church that does not), but I do think getting a choir is worth considering. Here are nine reasons why.

Nine Reasons Your Church Might Need a Choir

Having a church choir isn't as common as it used to be. And certainly not every church needs one. But here are nine reasons why your church might consider one.

Darlene Zschech: 10 Essential Traits of a Worship Pastor

What is a worship pastor? According to Darlene Zschech: "I believe in my heart of hearts that the worship pastor of a team does not have to be the most talented, the most eloquent, the most gifted writer."

The Case for a Choir, Pt. 1

How an intentional group of voices really can make a difference in worship.

How to Create a Virtual Choir (Band, Praise Team, Orchestra) Video

Several churches have introduced virtual choir videos to Facebook, their worship streams and more. I have had several questions about how to do this. Here's how I did one myself.