Christian News
Father of Britney Spears Reportedly Used the Christian Faith to Control Her
As pop superstar Britney Spears and her #FreeBritney supporters celebrate the expected dissolution of her lengthy conservatorship, new details are emerging about how she was treated during the past 13 years.
Articles for Pastors
9 Signals Your Hormones May Be Hijacking Your Leadership
Brain researchers have discovered that sustained high levels of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline affect our ability to think clearly, creatively, and decisively, thus diminishing our ability to lead most effectively.
Articles for Pastors
Trying to Control Others Is Toxic
Trying to control someone—in marriage, parenting, the church, or government—is evil. The Bible recognizes authority, but it takes a strong stand against control. If someone abuses God-given authority, they become perpetrators of evil.
Articles for Pastors
Conflict Resolution: 7 Ways to Respond When You Want to Punch Someone—and You’re a Christian
"In the name of grace, Christians sacrifice truth. In the name of truth, Christians sacrifice grace."
Articles for Pastors
Are You Organized for Control or Growth?
Here’s the key to good structure: Let leaders lead.
Articles for Pastors
We Can’t Add Another Service! We Won’t Know Everyone
Most pastors and other church leaders have heard this objection at one point or another. It might be a point of contention when the...
Articles for Pastors
4 Signs of a Self-Centered Team Member
Selfish team members constantly direct energy away from the mission because they are consumed with their own goals. What are some indicators of selfishness?
Articles for Pastors
What Role Can Satan and Demons Have in the Life of a Believer?
This is reality, not myth—we are actually being watched, hovered over and whispered to, not only by God and righteous angels, but also by fallen angels, demons. This is the nature of spiritual warfare.