

How to Disciple a Teenager: 6 Helpful Resources for Faith Development

I'm often asked how to disciple a teenager. So I've compiled a helpful list of faith discipleship resources for youth leaders and parents.

Discipleship: The Convergence of the Missio Dei and the Imago Dei

Discipleship is all about learning what it really means to be human as God originally intended.

7 Questions for Starting (or Restarting) a Small Group Ministry

Starting or restarting a small group ministry requires more than just copying another church’s small group model wholesale.

Mature Disciple Making Gone Horribly Wrong

As you rebuild your definition of a mature disciple avoid the mistake of measuring discipleship by activity; church attendance, serving in a ministry, participation in a small group, Bible reading, quiet time.

3 Disciple-Making Catalysts in the Life of Jesus

In three passages of Scripture, we see Jesus' heart for disciple-making, with some practical applications for all leaders.

Discipling the Whole Church – Every Age, Same Page

The whole church needs to emphasize the Great Commission: make disciples. Programs, processes, events, and budgets ought to result in effective disciplemaking. Find out more about discipling the whole church.

Do You Have a Culture of Multiplying Disciples?

Don't give up—you can develop a multiplying culture.