

Is the New Testament Just History, or Expectant Christianity?

Do we read this book as history, or are we looking for what to expect in our new life in Christ? The New Testament should be our version of expectant Christianity.

A Deficit of Discipleship: The American Church Is Off-Mission

The American church is off-mission. That may seem like a ridiculous statement considering the number of growing megachurches and multisite churches around the country. How could the church be off-mission with record crowds?

Outreach Checklist: 7 Church Growth Paradigms

I speak with churches often who want to grow and they contact me wanting suggestions of how to do so. In doing so, I often tell them there are some church growth paradigms they need to make sure they have.

The Need for Advanced Discipleship

Advanced discipleship training serves the most underserved people in the church: people who reach a midway point in their maturity but don’t get to “the other side.”

Impactful Discipleship: Fostering Spiritual Growth in Youth

Impactful discipleship is essential in 21st-century youth ministry. Consider these 10 insights about discipling teens.

7 Truths About Following Jesus That Will Change Your Life

Following Jesus no longer seems like an impossibility. Now it feels like God is empowering me to do it!

Little Disciples: Teaching Children the Path of Discipleship

By introducing little disciples to Jesus and God’s Word, you set a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship with God.

Jesus Is the Light of the World — And so Are We

Jesus exposed a lot of things that had been in the dark for a long time. But Jesus not only called Himself the light of the world; He passed the responsibility of lighting the world to His followers.