

Converse ‘Sells Out’ to Satan With New Pentagram Shoe

Converse collaborated with American fashion designer Rick Owens to release a Satanic shoe featuring the insignia of the Church of Satan. The shoe sold out shortly after being released.

Russell Moore Exclusive: How to Pastor After the Shootings

In a Russell Moore exclusive interview for ChurchLeaders, the president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission advises church leaders not to give in to the temptation of easily explaining away evil or where God was as a gunman killed innocent teenagers in Parkland, Florida.

5 Signs the Enemy (Not God) Is Winning in Your Life and Leadership

It doesn’t have ultimate power, but it also isn’t powerless. Evil is active. And to some extent, you need to be aware of the influence of evil in ministry, your thought life, and your family right now.

Tim Keller: How Does Christianity Help Us Deal With Evil & Suffering?

Christianity gives you resurrection, restoration, new life and hope. Christian gives you lots of resources for dealing with evil and suffering in this world.

8 Things to Remember When It Feels Like the Devil’s Winning

Sometimes it just feels like Satan’s winning the spiritual warfare game. He's not.

The Evil in Marriage We Rarely Mention

Everyone is going to face marriage problems. But when we forget that evil exists within our own hearts and we stop ordering our thinking and feeling around God, we open the door to all kinds of evil in our marriages.

Ravi Zacharias Answers: Why Doesn’t God Stop Evil?

Ravi reminds his audience that the supreme ethic that God has given to mankind is to love and to honor the dignity of other people.

Tim Keller Answers: Where Did Evil Come From?

“Where God has shut His mouth, I should be afraid to open mine,” Tim Keller says on the issue of evil.