
First-Time Guests

Children’s Ministry Improvements: 10 Easy Ways to Be More Inviting

Your children’s ministry environment matters, and improvements are easy. Try these 10 tips to be more inviting to parents and children.

5 Things You Should Tell Every Guest Family

While I was serving in children's ministry, we had a new guest family attend. They had two children. I met them at the classroom door and shared five things with the parents. 

10 Ways To Help First-Time Guests Feel Special

You only get one opportunity to leave a good impression and help first-time guests feel special. Here are 10 ways you can help first-time guests feel so special that they want to return. 

8 Practices to Help Small Group Newcomers Feel Like They Belong

There are things that you can do as the small group leader to help ease any tension newcomers may be feeling and help them feel more ‘at home’ whether your group meets in-person or online.

5 Training Experiences to Help Your Team Feel Like First-time Guests

Oftentimes when we train our leaders it all focuses on tactics (or tips, or tools) and doesn’t get to the heart level.