

5 Extraordinary Gifts From God (and How They Impact Your Leadership)

God certainly does have expectations of us, but he gives so much more to us than he expects of us. As a leader, that fills us up and helps us keep going! Here are five extraordinary gifts from God.

How to G.I.F.T. Yourself to Your Family This Christmas

If you’d like to give your family what they really want for Christmas, you can simply do these four easy things to G.I.F.T. yourself to them.

When Everyone Plays His Part

The church is the worse for lacking those who would willingly play their part in using their gifts to build up the body. Conversely, the church is all the better when each member joyfully plays his or her part. 

Memories Instead of Gifts: A High-Value Approach to Christmas

As parents, we want to give our kids great gifts at Christmas. But what if we focused on making memories instead of gifts galore?

Great Last Minute Christmas Gifts for Church Musicians

Whether you are a worship leader looking for great last minute gifts for your team or you know a church musician, check out this list to bring something bright to the end of their year.

Organize Your Church on Purpose, Around Giftedness

"Structure doesn’t cause growth; the structure of your church determines how fast you’ll grow and the size to which you’ll grow."

6 Tips on How Pastors Can Help Others Discover Their Spiritual Gifts

The more we pastors help people discover, develop, and deploy their spiritual gifts, the healthier our churches become. In this post I suggest 6 tips that can help others discover their spiritual gifts.

3 Abnormal Gifts for Your Small Group This Christmas

Here’s a different holiday idea: How about getting a few abnormal gifts for your whole small group?