

Your Sunday Guest Experience Checklist

A great guest experience includes so many practical factors. It also includes an outstanding, worshipful encounter with God.

Do You Have an Exit Strategy for Families?

Most churches focus on making new guests feel welcome.  And we should.  Stats show that people decide in the first 8 minutes if they are going to return.  How your team makes people feel when they arrive is very important.

Margaret Feinberg: How Food Reveals the Heart of God

"People," says Margaret Feinberg, "are hungry for so much more than an app, an entree, and a dessert.” And yet God uses hospitality to knock down barriers that would be insurmountable otherwise.

3 Things That Make Introverted Guests Nervous About Your Church

The church is a decidedly extroverted place. It's time for a little inclusion.

7 Reasons People Attend Your Church More Than 2-3 Times A Year

The top three attended Sundays each year are: Easter Christmas Mother’s Day Your experience may be a little different, but this is the norm for...

First Time Guest Gifts: What Churches Need to Know

Regardless of why someone visits your church, easing the tension your first-time guests feel is essential. By creating a positive experience, you will compel them to visit your worship service again or take the next step in getting further involved.

How I Learned to Embrace the Stand and Greet Time

I just plain need to get over myself, because that’s what the Christian life is all about.

7 Early Warning Signs That Your Church Has a “Front Door” Problem

Here are seven early warning signs that might indicate that you have a problem retaining visitors at your church.