

Chicago Church Is ‘Fasting From Whiteness’ During the Season of Lent

A Chicago church is making headlines for its decision to fast from “whiteness” during the season of Lent by not "using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people."

‘Lent’s Eat’ Videos Bring Levity — and Leaven — to Solemn Season

The Rev. Jennie Williams has begun a video series called “Lent’s Eat,” in which she makes a recipe or two from congregants each week of Lent, the season of prayer and penitence many Christians observe in preparation for Easter.

Pope Francis Ties Support for Peace in Ukraine to Ash Wednesday’s Start of Lent

On Wednesday, Pope Francis encouraged people to dedicate prayers and fasting to ending the conflict in Ukraine as the church season of Lent begins.

Ash Wednesday Sparks Reflections on God’s Love, Humor, Prayers for Ukraine

People all over the world today are observing Ash Wednesday, a day on the Christian calendar that marks the beginning of Lent and reminds us of the frailty of our lives. This year, the war in Ukraine is on the minds of many.

What Are the Origins of Lent?

In late winter, many Christian denominations observe a 40-day period of fasting and prayer called Lent. This is in preparation for the spring celebration of Easter, a religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Safe Ash Wednesday Observance? There’s an App for That

In a year when so much of life has been lived virtually, Catholic prayer and meditation app Hallow has also taken the tradition online with an "AshTag" photo filter on both Facebook and Instagram.

Why An Ash Wednesday Service?

You don't need to observe Ash Wednesday. This isn't a command. There is no rule for it. In fact, as far as Church traditions go, it is a fairly late development-- and by late I mean around the 8th century.

10 Creative Ways to Fast for Lent 2020

Today is Ash Wednesday, which means that Christians all over the world are beginning the observance of Lent 2020. If you haven't yet decided what you're going to fast from this year, here are some ideas!