

Worshipping With the Great Cloud of Witnesses

Who knew we could find living faith among the dead? You might as well have told me to go to a church filled with zombies. But in the book of Hebrews we learn something amazing: our life of worship is seen by a great cloud of witenesses (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Evangelicals and the Book of Common Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer - how can you get any more evangelical than that?

Tracking the Trends in Worship

An increasing number of young adults who have grown up in evangelical churches being drawn toward trends in worship experiences that are more intimate, less polished and often more liturgical than the worship of their home churches.

Pope Francis Decries Divisions Caused by Old-School Liturgy Fans

Pope Francis blasted Catholics who, hewing to old-school versions of liturgy like the Latin Mass, have made an ideological battleground of the issue, decrying what he described as devil-inspired divisiveness.

Unless It’s a Praise and Worship Sermon, Here’s Why We Preach Second

I recently visited a church who prides themselves in always doing their praise sets after the sermon. Unless it's a praise and worship sermon, here's why the order matters.

The Beauty of Liturgy

Liturgy creates order and flow in an ever-changing world. How many times have we been guilty of rushing through something, or throwing out orderliness because we’re hurrying toward the next thing on our schedule?

Brandon Cox: My Modern Creed for Worship

The desire for deeper roots in something historical and more eternally enduring than the latest trends and fads American Christianity may be wrestling with has driven me to articulate my own modern creed.

We Don’t Need Entertainment: We Need Participatory Worship

We live in an entertainment driven culture, and, as such, see many seeking to cater to such a mindset. Turning worship into a spectator event is to miss the rich participatory nature of corporate worship. We need participatory worship.