

Arbitration Settled Between James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel

Former Harvest Bible Chapel Pastor James MacDonald has settled an arbitration with Harvest Bible Chapel who had removed him as senior pastor back in February 2019, according to The Roys Report.

Grace Community Church Fined $1,000 for COVID-19 Sign Violation

Los Angeles County fined Grace Community Church $1,000 for violating a COVID-19 sign ordinance–not because of the content of the signs, but because of their placement.

LA County Terminates Lease Grace Community Church Had for Parking Lot

On Friday, Los Angeles County terminated the lease to a parking lot Grace Community Church has been using since 1975. It is the latest...

Fearing for Children’s Lives, Christian Family in India Refrains from Reporting Assault to Police

Morning Star News reports that tribal animists in central India drove a Christian family into the jungle last week, with one later intercepting their 9-year-old girl and threatening to kill her if she went to school again, her father said.

Top Things From 2017 You Need to Know Now

Life’s busy. Especially when you’re a church leader. To help you out, we scanned the top trends of 2017 to give you this listicle of what you need to know for 2017 and 2018.

The Death of News, Re-Tribalization and the Future Church

Churches that love their methods more than their mission will die.