

I Didn’t Answer Your Email Because it Was Too Long

I didn’t answer your email because it was too long. That’s the bottom line. One of the most important keys to using email effectively...

When Sports Come Before Church: Tackling a Tough Topic

How do you react when sports come before church for teens and parents? Read on for one insider's thoughts on this challenging subject.

Youth Ministry Is Serious Business, So Please Pay Attention, Pastors

If you're a pastor, youth leader or parent, please take youth ministry and teenagers seriously. The right kind of youth ministry is necessary now more than ever.

The Gospel of Busy-ness

The false gospel which lies just beneath the surface of our lives.

7 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Become More Productive

Ever notice your day seems to vaporize and you wonder what happened to all your best intentions? 7 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Become More Productive You’re...

10 Lies of the Enemy That Church Leaders Believe

In my years of studying spiritual warfare, I’ve spent a lot of time talking with pastors about their own battles. Often, those battles are...

The Priorities Every Youth Ministry Should Have

Be intentional about these priorities of your ministry.

If You Are Not Faithful With Little…

Jesus taught, “Whoever is faithful with little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much.”