

Trump Prophet Jeremiah Johnson Ends Ministry, Saying, ‘We Need to Humble Ourselves’

Jeremiah Johnson, the self-described prophet who faced backlash from fellow evangelical Christians after publicly apologizing for prophesying former President Donald Trump would be reelected president, is ending Jeremiah Johnson Ministries.

Jeremiah Johnson: God Is Using Trump’s Loss to Expose Our Idolatry of Prophets and Politics

Jeremiah Johnson is calling out people in the charismatic movement for building a modern-day Tower of Babel out of “prophets and politics.”

Ministry Leaders Apologize for Prophesying Trump Win

Jeremiah Johnson was entirely unprepared for the vitriol he would receive after he apologized for prophesying that Trump would win the presidential election.

Things to Know—and Not to Know—About Bible Prophecy

I submit there are no experts on Bible prophecy.

Trump and Biden Attend (Very Different) Churches on Sunday

Pastors of the International Church of Las Vegas thanked the president for the good job they believe he is doing in the White House. Meanwhile, Joe Biden attended a much quieter service at a church he and his wife have been attending for several years now.

Not All Christians Believe Bill Gates Is the Anti-Christ (and Other End-Time Theories)

Christians are definitely drawn to doomsday theories because a central teaching in the Bible is that Christ will someday return to Earth in a doomsday setting. However, not all Christians believe Bill Gates is the anti-Christ.

What Does Prophecy Look Like Today?

What does the New Testament gift of prophecy look like when it’s being exercised today?

Should You Earnestly Desire to Prophesy?

And if the spiritual gift of prophecy continues in our day, what are we to do? Paul tells us exactly what to do: “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.”