
sexual sin

The ‘Gateway Drug’ to Sexual Sin in the Church

One of the key factors contributing to the rise of sexual sin within the Church is the rampant but hidden use of pornography. It’s affecting the majority of men in the pews, and even our children at very young ages.

Why Do We Commit Sexual Sin?

Conservative estimates indicate three to six percent of adults are involved in some form of compulsive sexual behavior. This equates to seven to 14 million adults who are creating untold damage in their marriages and families through sexual sin. But why?

7 Sexual Lines No Pastor Should Ever Cross

Here are 7 boundaries for pastors to avoid being snared in lust traps.

Venue Church Pastor Tavner Smith Admits to ‘Inappropriate Relationship’ in Return to the Pulpit

On Sunday, Venue Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee welcomed its lead pastor, Tavner Smith, back to the pulpit after reports of an affair forced him to take a brief sabbatical.

Your Husband’s Pornography Problem Is Not About You

Your husband’s pornography problem is about one thing. It’s about how sin is always crouching at our door, waiting to devour us. Pornography is such a quick and easy temptation, and it’s everywhere.

John Piper on Repentance, Confession, and How to Kill Lust

Desiring God's John Piper answers a popular theological question about repentance and habitual sin.

Caring for a Friend With a History of Promiscuity and/or Abortion

What does the process of redemption and restoration look like for a person scarred by a past that includes multiple sex partners and abortions?

An Open Letter to Those Nonchalant About Their Sexual Sin

Sex is like fire. When it blazes in the fireplace, a good fire warms and brightens the room, enhancing joy and companionship. But when fires ignite in the wrong places, the house burns down.