
spiritual disciplines

7 Simple Prayer Ideas for Daily Prayer

Learn the seven prayer ideas you see practiced consistently in Scripture when it comes to developing health in your prayer life.

Benefits of Journaling: Teach This Spiritual Discipline to Children

The benefits of journaling — especially Bible journaling — are profound. Even children can benefit from this spiritual discipline. Discover how!

Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough in 2023

Fasting is hard because self-denial is hard, and overindulging is not rewarding. It becomes a never-ending cycle of defeat unless we break the cycle by choosing discipline over regret as we seek the will of God.

Spirit of Legalism or Consistent Spiritual Habits? Not the Same!

I believe many followers of Jesus mistakenly lump a commitment to consistent spiritual habits into the pejorative pool of legalism.

Teaching Spiritual Disciplines to Youth: 5 Important Tips

Spiritual disciplines really boil down to spending regular, focused time with God. Teaching spiritual disciplines to youth isn't complicated. Just follow these guidelines.

Clean Heart Clear Mind: Can’t-Lose Spiritual Disciplines

Clean heart clear mind. Discover why those spiritual disciplines lead to a winning relationship with God.

R.C. Sproul: Don’t Confuse Spirituality With Righteousness

Spirituality can be a cheap substitute for righteousness. Spirituality and piety are not ends in themselves. In fact they are worthless unless they are means to a higher goal. The goal must go beyond spirituality to righteousness.

Justin McRoberts and Scott Erickson: Pastors Are People, Too

Justin and Scott discuss the need for pastors to embrace their humanity and they believe spiritual disciplines can help them do that.