
spiritual gifts

When Everyone Plays His Part

The church is the worse for lacking those who would willingly play their part in using their gifts to build up the body. Conversely, the church is all the better when each member joyfully plays his or her part. 

Kids’ Spiritual Gifts: Help Children Develop & Use Their God-Given Gifts

In children's ministry, never underestimate the truths kids can understand. Regarding kids’ spiritual gifts, young students can grasp several key biblical concepts.

What Is Speaking in Tongues?

New Christians and old Christians alike usually ask the same questions when it comes to discussing speaking in tongues. Hopefully, this can give you a starting place as you search for a deeper understanding regarding the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues.

6 Tips on How Pastors Can Help Others Discover Their Spiritual Gifts

The more we pastors help people discover, develop, and deploy their spiritual gifts, the healthier our churches become. In this post I suggest 6 tips that can help others discover their spiritual gifts.

Spiritual Gifts: Who Needs ‘Em?

This post is from the archives. However, members of my church family and I have been discussing spiritual gifts as of late. I forget...

10 Reasons to Desire All the Spiritual Gifts

Here are 10 ways and reasons from the New Testament to desire all the spiritual gifts, not just the comfortable ones.

Teens and Spiritual Gifts: How to Help Discover Them

Teens and spiritual gifts: Part of discipleship is helping a believer discover and use their spiritual gifts.

Should You Earnestly Desire to Prophesy?

And if the spiritual gift of prophecy continues in our day, what are we to do? Paul tells us exactly what to do: “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.”