

8 Reasons We Preachers Look Forward to and Tremble Over Preaching This Sunday

I’m excited about preaching at my church this coming weekend, but I’m also burdened about it. I suspect I speak for most preachers as I write these words, and I’m asking you to pray today, tomorrow, and Sunday for all preachers you know.

How We Engaged Families in Our First Sunday Back

Our church campuses reopened this Sunday! It is not our norm and we needed to engage families. But, to me it presented a unique season for families to worship together and for our church to function a little bit differently (in a good way).

Why I’m Wearing a Mask to Church Next Sunday

People have posted passionate rantings on Facebook about their right not to wear a mask. Others have taken a different position and plan to wear a mask. I’m in that latter group. When the church reopens next Sunday, you’ll find me wearing a mask.

12 Reasons to Pray More as You Prepare Your Sermon for This Weekend

In too many cases, we prepare hard and pray little over our sermons or lessons. For the rest of this week, I challenge you to spend more time praying before you preach or teach.

The Sunday Need

Brothers, let's not go about our weekly sermon preparation and personal discipleship in sackcloth and ashes.

7 Steps to Take When Sunday Hurt

For some of you, Sunday was a difficult day. Something happened (or has been happening) within your congregation that makes your ministry difficult.

5 Things You Can Do Today to Make Sunday Easier

Sunday is gameday for leaders in children's ministry so if you can get it done before Sunday, do it.

Pastor, Everything Builds Toward Sunday

If we are not extremely intentional, we can become so busy doing many good things that we are not doing the main things.