
sunday school

Sunday School Curriculum: How to Choose Materials for Children

Choosing Sunday school curriculum is an important decision, and options abound. Learn how to select lessons for children.

Theology of Children’s Ministry: 3 Reasons Doctrine Matters

Theology of children’s ministry and doctrine matter. Ignore the myth that they don't!

Fruit of the Spirit for Kids: 5 Lesson Ideas for Sunday School

With this fruit of the Spirit for kids material, children learn how God blesses and uses them.

Stop Using the Term ‘Sunday School’

For many of you reading this, Sunday School was an important part of your childhood. I grew up attending Sunday School every weekend. That being said, I believe it's time to stop using the term.

Children’s Ministry Leaders: An Open Letter to All KidMin Workers

Kidmin veteran Dale Hudson shares 10 reasons children’s ministry is one of the most vital programs in any church.

Sunday School Graduation: Celebrate This Important Milestone

A Sunday school graduation event is a great way to convey children's importance to God—and to the church. Children and youth are precious to God!

Sunday School Looks Different Since Pandemic’s Start: From Monthly to Missing

At St. Ann’s Episcopal Church in the Chicago suburb of Woodstock, Illinois, the once weekly Christian education program is now monthly, and known as “Second Sunday Sunday School.”

Importance of Sunday School: How KidMin Classes Nurture Children

What's the importance of Sunday school? Read on for insights about the life-changing nature of this nurturing program!