Christian News
Benny Hinn Doesn’t Want to Be Rebuked When He Gets to Heaven
Hinn, 67, says his change of heart about the prosperity gospel and several other teachings wasn’t prompted by his critics (including nephew Costi Hinn) but by concerns about his legacy and by reading God’s Word.
Christian News
Has Benny Hinn Repented of the Prosperity Gospel?
“I’m done with [putting a price on the Gospel]…and frankly, I don’t care what people think about me anymore," Benny Hinn told his followers on Monday. But Hinn's nephew, Costi, is only cautiously optimistic about his uncle's seeming change of heart.
Christian News
This Is Why This Televangelist Needs a Fourth Private Jet
Jesse Duplantis has owned three different jets. But he needs a new one, he claims—for the sake of evangelism and economy.
The very first jet...