Articles for Outreach & Missions
3 Layers of Life-Changing Transformation
In his very first acts of ministry, Jesus unleashed the power of transformation.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Difference Between Change and Transformation
Change and transformation are connected, though. Every transformation requires changes, but not all changes are transformational.
Erwin McManus: Why Understanding the Genius of Jesus Will Change Your Life
"The reason it's so easy to overlook Jesus’ genius," says Erwin McManus, "is that his canvas is the human spirit.”
Articles for Pastors
Spirit-Filled Transformation: 5 Pieces of Evidence the Holy Spirit Has Control of Your Life
Here are five pieces of evidence that the Holy Spirit has control of your life.
Chip Ingram: How to Stop Living Like a Spiritual Orphan
“I don’t think we can ever love or lead well," says Pastor Chip Ingram, "until we see ourselves more and more the way God sees us."
Women in Ministry
The Three Elements to Transformation
This transformation is the result of God’s grace and our willingness to surrender daringly. And many times, we don’t even realize we’re doing it.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Temptation: Helping People Change Their Autopilot
We’re all tempted by something. It’s proof of being alive. If you’re not tempted, you’re not breathing.
So the question isn’t, “Are you tempted?” The...
Articles for Youth Leaders
5 Tips for Pulling Off a Life-Changing Retreat Weekend
Here are five things I consider vital to pulling off a life-changing retreat.