

Greg Stier: Why Your Whole Church Needs To Care About Student Ministry

Greg Stier joins the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast to talk about the impact youth ministry has had on his life and why student ministry matters to the whole church.

Meaningful Youth Ministry: How to Make a Lasting Impact on Lives

How committed are you to meaningful youth ministry? Discover how to be a different breed of youth leader, impacting the world for Christ.

Hell and Brimstone: Don’t Overlook This Hot Topic in Your Ministry

Jesus talked often about the reality of hell and brimstone. He described it in exacting and terrifying detail. So youth leaders can't avoid the topic with their teens.

Our Kids Are Watching

I’ve been alive 50 years, and I’ve never seen our country so divided. I don’t think many adults are stopping to consider: our kids are watching.

10 Rock – Solid Reasons You Should NOT Quit Youth Ministry

Perhaps you’re one of those youth leaders who is rethinking your role as a youth leader. Here are 10 rock-solid reasons you should not quit.

11 Ways to Maximize Your Youth Group Lessons

Do your youth group lessons often seem longer than teenagers’ attention spans? If you’re like most youth leaders, the list of valuable messages you...

4 Great Core Values for Youth Group

When putting together your church youth group program, it's wise to focus on four main values: connection, growth, celebration and fun.

Take Your Youth Group to a Concert They Actually Want to Attend

Winter Jam, one of the most successful Christian concerts, is making its rounds again, this time hitting 42 cities throughout the U.S. Tickets are cheap and there's even a free training for youth leaders.