How to Keep Christ in Christmas While Allowing Santa to Tag Along

Christmas Santa


In closing, I understand many have a problem with Santa and have chosen not to make him part of their house. I also understand there are many who want Santa to play a role in their family’s Christmas but struggle with how to do that faithfully as a Christian. 

My personal conviction is that I don’t see an issue with Santa playing a role in a family’s household as long as he is positioned correctly — under Jesus

The reality is Santa is who you make him out to be. If you make him out to be an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being who delivers presents to girls and boys on the basis of whether they’ve been good, then that is who Santa will be. If Santa is a benevolent, generous, and sacrificial spirit of a being that delivers gifts to children’ one time a year to be a blessing like Jesus, then that is who Santa will be. 

At some point our children will grow out of belief in Santa. When they do, you don’t want it to be a huge deal, and you don’t want it to be something you had been fabricating for years. At the end, as believers we want something that will be intellectually honest, imaginatively curious, while at the same time theologically true

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Josh Laxton
Josh serves as the Co-Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center in Wheaton, IL, the Co-Regional Director of Lausanne North America, an Adjunct Faculty at Wheaton College’s Graduate School of Ministry, Mission, and Leadership, as well as a Teaching Pastor at Wheaton Bible Church in West Chicago, IL. He holds a PhD in Missiology and loves mobilizing the church to participate in God’s mission. He and his wife Joannie live in Wheaton, IL with their three kids.

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