Don’t place God-sized expectations on people.
Reminder #3: It’s worth it to cultivate friendship.
Is it a lot of work? Yes. Is it confusing at times? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely, yes. The quick answer for why it’s worth it is because God created us for community, and he’s lived in community for all of eternity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So don’t think you’re immune from the need to cultivate community as well. It might come from other church pastor friends. It might need to be family. But find someone you can trust, and be intentional with them about your relational needs. We tend to think these things will just happen naturally, but the reality is, sometimes you have to step into the awkward to get to a place of cultivated friendship.
Intentionally pursue an inner circle of friends.
If you’re waiting for a picture-perfect strategy to best friends…best of luck. It’s time to start with what you can do. Be honest. Take your requests to God. And begin seeking friendship. You just might simultaneously be the answer to someone else’s friendship prayer too.
This article originally appeared here.