God makes reference to the fact that true worshipers should worship in spirit and truth. “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” (John 4:23)
The word ‘true’ in the Greek (John 4:23) is ALETHINOS! (Strong’s Concordance 228) This means ‘being real and genuine; that which has not only the name and resemblance, but the real nature corresponding to the name.’ The word is also used to describe the true nature of God who sent Jesus to redeem mankind; that Jesus fully represented God in every way. (John 7:28 and John 1:9) This word also extends to God’s worshipers. As much as God is true and genuine in all His ways, so should His worshipers be in their worship. The word is also related to the Greek word ‘ALETHES’ which means ‘unconcealed or manifest.’ A true worshiper has nothing to hide. He is true to God in every way and does not fake any area of his life to satisfy religious standards. He is the real thing, the genuine article. The manifestation of true worship is not something that is hidden in a Christian’s life. It is made manifest as a lifestyle, for the world to see that we unashamedly love and worship Him. God is looking for those who worship sincerely, the true worshiper.