20 Ways to Pray for Worship Leaders

Pray for worship leaders
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Here are 20 ways to pray for worship leaders.

  1. Pray for worship leaders that they never sacrifice their family for ministry since their family is ministry.
  2. Pray for them to prepare for Sunday by focusing on worship as primary and music as secondary.
  3. Pray for worship leaders that they will help us focus more on the creator and less on their creativity.
  4. Pray that Scripture and Prayer instead of song selections frame their worship preparation.
  5. Pray for healthier ministry staff relationships.
  6. Pray that their days off and vacations provide rest that is free from church responsibilities.
  7. Pray for worship leaders’ spiritual, physical and emotional health.
  8. Pray that they’ll be able to sift through the many responsibilities that compete for their attention and focus on the ones God wants them to do.
  9. Pray for them to wake up every morning feeling unqualified in their own power to do what God has called them to do.
  10. Pray Ephesians 4:29 over them, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

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David Mannerhttp://WorshipEvaluation.org
Dr. David W. Manner serves as the executive director for Church Forward Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists with responsibilities in the areas of leadership and administration.

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