So when you worship, remember that you have been set free. It’s not something you need to cry out for or ask for. It has already been done. You just need to receive it. We’re fighting battles in the midst of a war that has already been won. Rise up in your identity.
Some people might call you crazy, but here’s an idea: Every day slap on a name tag that says, “Hello my name is FREE.” Or, “Hello my name is forgiven, redeemed, set apart, child of God.”
3. Freedom to Gather
In many countries, freedom to gather as the body of Christ is not welcomed. It is outlawed, punished. I’ve never been in such a situation, but I can only imagine after worshiping with the underground church you’d never approach any gathering the same. We take it for granted and argue over petty differences while believers in China risk their lives coming together.
Hebrews 10:24-26 puts it like this:
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
The gatherings we experience are a tremendous privilege. Let’s not forget those who gave their lives to make it so.
Free to worship. Feel it. Believe. Deep down in your bones. This isn’t just a ploy to get a room hyped up and moving around. This is the work of the Spirit in our hearts, mobilizing a generation to live free, pray free and worship free.
Let these three points influence your dancing, your singing, your banner waving Charismatic craziness. Be expressive. But let it all be rooted in the fact that Christ has made us free.
What do you think? What does it mean to be free to worship? How are you fostering freedom in your gatherings?
This article on Free to Worship originally appeared here, and is used by permission.