

Are You Too Old to Lead Worship?

How old is too old? How young is too young? Does a multi-generational worship team work? What are the best practices?

5 Worship Challenges We Face All the Time

Pick a church, attend Lord’s Day worship, and more than likely you will discover that authentic Christian worship is in real trouble. We all face worship challenges.

How to Unleash Small Group Worship

One of the ways you can “break the ice” is to help your small group members expand their understanding of what small group worship can look like beyond the church service.

20 Scriptures to Pray as WORSHIP

If you're anything like me you could use these 20 worship Scriptures to pray as worship prayer points. Don't let your worship quickly digress into little more than a list of needs and wants.

Is Our Worship a One-Sided Conversation?

A singular focus on worship is a one-sided conversation without discipleship.

Should Expressive Worship Be Physical?

It’s understandable that people sometimes wonder if expressive worship leaders are simply imitating entertainment culture in asking people to respond.

Steeplejacking: A Hostile Takeover in Worship?

Steeplejacking is a coined term that describes the attempt to infiltrate, influence and take-over an existing congregation.

Let Children Lead Worship!

It’s true that kids can point out the obvious and teach us a thing or two, but what if we intentionally taught them to lead? What if we encouraged them to lead? And, are you ready for this? What if we let children lead worship?