It is easy for women to experience confusion in their roles as worship leader and/or background vocalists in the Church. Oftentimes, we simply believe that our role doesn’t matter at all.
The longer God allows me to lead worship and shepherd at The Austin Stone, the more I am convinced that He has called me to be here to actually lead His people. I have heard it clearly from Him and seen it in His Word.
There are plenty of lies that female worship leaders can believe but I want to take some time to specifically address four lies that we believe as the women that have been called into worship leadership.
I am praying this will encourage you and hopefully validate some of what you hear God saying to you in this season of ministry.
Gosh, this is a huge lie that I have heard and battled in my role as a worship leader. You must know that God considers you a leader among His people and that is not something to take lightly. On any given Sunday, God has entrusted to us the calling of serving and being faithful with that call.
Leading God’s people in worship is not just singing—whether you are a background vocalist or you are leading out on a song, remember that you are leading people who are coming in beaten down, depressed, joyful, stressed, full of faith, confused or unbelieving to see Jesus for who He is and to worship Him rightly.
God says through Paul in Ephesians 2:10 that “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in them.” From this passage, you can trust that God hasn’t made a mistake in putting you before His people week to week. He has prepared for you to play a role in worshiping Him!
I think something that often falls by the wayside is the idea that what we do in our “ordinary-Monday-through-Saturday-lives” doesn’t matter. This is a big lie and Satan wants you to believe it.
The enemy wants us to believe that what we do at our 9-5 jobs or when we think no one is watching doesn’t have any bearing on what we do on Sundays. The truth is, whether you realize it or not, the people you lead see you and know you beyond Sundays. Living “above reproach” goes hand in hand with dying to self, and this is important for all believers, especially leaders in the local church. Satan is looking to take you down.
God told Cain in Genesis 4:7, “Sin is crouching at your door. It’s desire is for you, but you must rule over it.”
We have to put boundaries in place to protect ourselves, our reputations and our ministries. For women this will look like evaluating ourselves day-to-day:
- What am I wearing to work or to dinner with friends?
- How do I speak and act toward friends and strangers?
- Do I spend time in the Word daily?
- Am I honoring my husband and kids?
- Do I speak respectfully of my church?
When we take our church’s stage, we are saying with our presence that we agree with our church’s beliefs and convictions and that we support our leadership.