Bible Studies for Athletes: Resources to Build Faith and Teamwork

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In most youth groups, Bible studies for athletes are a slam dunk. That’s because the Bible uses many sports-themed metaphors. Bible lessons about sports are sure to hold kids’ attention. Plus, they encourage young Christians to train spiritually and to “run” for God.

Some teens at your church might be hardcore sports participants. Others may prefer cheering from the sidelines or playing low-key youth group games. Yet all kids will be able to relate to these Bible studies for athletes. Scriptural lessons with practical applications help listeners engage with God’s Word and apply it to their lives.

So do some stretches (raise your hands to praise God). Fill up your water bottle (with the Living Water). And prepare for a faith-focused workout of your spiritual muscles!

Bible Studies for Athletes: Ideas to Engage Teens

1. Biblical Sportsmanship

This Bible study has a March Madness basketball theme. It focuses on God’s messages about being good sports (on the court and in life).

2. What Sports Can Teach Us

Check out these five godly lessons from the world of athletic competitions.

3. Running Well

The Christian faith is both a daily walk and a lifelong pursuit. Help teens learn how to effectively run the “race” of faith with this lesson.

4. Train & Persevere

Being an athlete requires lots of preparation and grit. Apply those concepts to faith with this sports-themed Bible study.

5. Faith Fundamentals

Here’s another basketball-focused devotional ideal for teens. They’ll learn how to focus and follow through in their spiritual walk.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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