More Youth Ministry Hacks
4. Take teens on regular mini-mission trips (in your own area!).
“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” Luke 9:1-2
Over the course of Jesus’ ministry, he took his disciples on at least six mission trips. Actually, his whole earthly ministry was a mission trip of sorts.
What if we applied that same strategy to youth group? Teenagers, especially in this post-pandemic world, want to get out and do something. So why not something significant? Why not something that saves souls and changes lives?
A simple idea to implement right away is Go Share Day. Join youth groups from around the world to go out on the last Saturday of every month for outreach. Make sure it includes praying, caring and sharing the Gospel (out loud with words!) #GoShareDay a simple way to reframe the Great Commission as the Greatest Cause and equip teens to evangelize in the process.
I go out with my teen daughter and a group of her friends on the last Saturday of every month to pray for people, care for people and share the Good News of Jesus. Later tonight, we’ll all be in downtown Denver handing out slices of pizza to homeless people. We’ll also be praying for them and taking them through the Life in 6 Words faith-sharing app or card. For a list of easy outreach ideas, go to
Don’t just wait for the annual big mission trip. Join thousands of youth groups from around the world by taking mini, monthly mission trips!
5. Relentlessly share stories of Gospel conversations and changed lives.
“The seventy-two returned with joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.‘” Luke 10:17
Just like the 72, when teens return from sharing the Gospel they want to tell stories. These stories can inspire the entire youth group. Even if unbelievers mock them for sharing their faith, they can share the battle scars and rejoice together. “They had been counted worthy of suffering for the sake of the Name” (Acts 5:41.) And when someone puts their faith in Jesus as a result of the outreach, the crowd goes wild!
Of course, kids should share these stories not just while participating in #GoShareDay or a mission trip. The stories should be a result of their day-to-day Gospel conversations with unreached friends. This is where point #5 comes into play.
6. Equip and expect teens to evangelize.
“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up….” Ephesians 4:11-12
Are you equipping your teenagers to share their faith? Do you expect them to?
Speaking of super-easy youth ministry hacks, I encourage you to sign your church up for Dare 2 Share Live. This 7-hour simulcast event (complete with bands, speakers and artists) is all crafted to highly inspire and effectively empower teens to evangelize. And you’ll all actually go out and share the Gospel simultaneously with hundreds (perhaps thousands) of youth groups across America.
This ain’t no watch party. It’s a “Do” party! All you need is internet, adult leaders and a commitment to participate in the outreach! (Did I mention it’s completely FREE?)