A Better Youth Pastor: 3 Self-Improvement Tips to Boost Your Impact

a better youth pastor
Adobestock #87792561


Want to be a better youth pastor and leader? Youth pastors can always use some improvement. I don’t mean this as a knock against the youth ministry field. But personally and individually, we all know where we are weakest. (Bonus Tip: If you don’t, become a better youth pastor by figuring out your strengths and weaknesses.)

One suggestion you’ll usually see is “read your Bible more.” That couldn’t be more true. Connecting with God through Scripture and prayer is definitely the best thing you can do for your ministry.

But we can also do other things to step up our game. So here are three things that lead to a better youth pastor (and thus a better youth ministry).

3 Tips for Being a Better Youth Pastor

1. Read more blogs.

The times I learn the most involve reading lots of blogs. I love to discover what other youth ministries are doing. That can spark creativity, whether it gets me thinking about an event or our particular context. I’ve also grown from the online community of bloggers. I love how “strangers” can text and really pray for each other.

I also believe writing a blog leads to growth. Even if no one reads it, forcing yourself to write why you do the things you do in youth ministry really sparks growth. Only a handful of people read my weekend-in-review posts. But I don’t write those for others. I write those for myself, and I love it.

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