3. You can’t fully trust them.
Trust and communication are the two biggest components of a good marriage. If you find yourself doubting your trust for your boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t take the next step yet.
Be sure you’re in the 100% trust zone. Be sure you can trust that person with 100 percent of stuff, 100 percent of the time. Will they let you down? Sure. Will you trust them after and through? That’s the test.
4. You still think about who else could be out there.
Duh, right? If you still think about who else is out there or if it could still work with so and so, don’t get married. You’ll always be uncommitted. And you’re cutting your hand off before a thumb-wrestling match. In other words, you just won’t win.
Be sure he or she is the right one for you…no one else. Then enjoy the many blessings of a God-based marriage!
What other signs from God that he is not the one (or she is not the one) can you recommend?