Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Sports and Ministry: Insights Into an Interesting Balancing Act

Sports and Ministry: Insights Into an Interesting Balancing Act

4. In Defense of Sports – Barnabas Piper

Piper poses and responds to some typical objections to people’s enjoyment of sports. He concludes, “I believe sports are a gift, a good gift, that God gave through human creativity for our enjoyment. They should be participated in at every level and in every way as such. And just like all of life, we ought to approach them with thoughtfulness, discernment and intentionality.”

5. God’s Chariot of Fire: The Life of Missionary Eric Liddell and the Race He Ran – Hebrews 12:1-3 – Danny Akin

Dr. Akin examines the life and missionary calling of Olympian Eric Liddell. While his athletic ability was world class, he ran for something much greater than Olympic gold. Akin’s sermon is as enlightening as it is challenging. “Contrary to popular opinion, he never said, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.” However, he did say, “We are all missionaries. Wherever we go, we either bring people nearer to Christ or we repel them from Christ.”

You might also enjoy Chris Norman’s personal testimony, Why I Said No to the NFL.

6. Football Talk – Tim Challies (2004)

I have benefited greatly from Challies’ blog and resources over the years. However, I’ve rarely seen his interest in sports come out on his blog.

This isn’t an exhaustive list about sports and ministry. But I hope it provides insight into the possibility, temptations, and joy of sports!