Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Getting in Shape: 4 Reasons Youth Ministers Need to Be Physically Fit

Getting in Shape: 4 Reasons Youth Ministers Need to Be Physically Fit

3. Getting in shape could help you face temptation more effectively.

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan, he was at his weakest physically (Matthew 4:1-3.) Jesus had just completed a 40-day fast, and Satan attacked when he knew Jesus’ body was worn down. I’m sure Satan figured if there was an ideal time to see if he could get Jesus to sin, it was when he was at his weakest physically.

I am convinced the Tempter does the same thing with pastors, youth pastors and worship leaders. He knows that when we’re at our weakest physically, we’re most likely to let our guards down spiritually. Obviously, working out doesn’t give you an automatic victory over Satan’s temptation. But it gives you an advantage over your more squishy compadres.

4. Getting in shape gives you strength to accomplish the mission Jesus gave you.

Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” We need to be energized to Gospelize. But some of this energy is physical.

Jesus was strong enough to endure the most painful torture imaginable. Peter was healthy enough to swim a hundred yards to shore without falling over dead (John 21:7-8).

These men were healthy enough to accomplish the mission God gave them. Are you healthy enough to accomplish the mission he’s given you? If you want to build a Gospel Advancing, disciple-multiplying ministry, you need to get physically fit enough to advance the Gospel for hours at a time and have enough energy to multiply disciples over the long haul.

How can you start getting in shape? Try walking or running. Join your local fitness center. Download a good fitness app. Try a workout DVD. But whatever you choose, do something. Do anything.

And don’t wait. Start now! Either that or get used to them fat naps.

This article originally appeared here.