Ethan Renoe

Ethan Renoe has published 7 books, been on 6 continents, done 5 one-armed pull-ups, and gone to 4 universities. He has not fallen in love, but he did fall out of a tree in front of a cute girl one time. Not only is he scuba certified, but he also knows how to dance. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and is currently attending Denver Seminary. Read him weekly at

I Don’t Feel God: What To Do When the Emotion Seems To Be Missing

A college student recently admitted a pressing concern: "Honestly, I don't feel God," he shared. Discover how to respond when people say, "I can't feel God."

Porn: The Subtle Anesthesia

The Catechism states that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, but most of the time, if I’m honest, there has been little to no enjoyment of Him. In fact, in the midst of my porn addiction, there was often no enjoyment of anything at all.

‘I’m Mainly a Christian so I Don’t Go to Hell…’

Too often, the gospel is presented as a golden ticket on a one-way train to heaven for a bunch of undeserving sinners. But the Bible is far less myopic than we often make it.

Are “Christian” Songs that Don’t Glorify God False Worship Songs?

When Five Iron Frenzy sang about the “Blue Comb,” was that a Christian song? Was it in the category of false worship songs? Or was it just a group of Christians singing a silly song?

Media Influence: How Hollywood Has Hijacked Our Minds

Want to learn more about media influence, especially on today's young people? Discover one youth pastor's take on the pressures wielded by culture.

Sex Is Not Sexy: Help Young People Value the True Purpose of Sex

Sex is not sexy. The physical act will never satisfy you once and for all. Learn how to help young people understand God's true purpose behind the gift of sex.

The Dumbing Down of Christianity

Are we creating ignorant Christians by dumbing down Christianity? I would go so far as to say there is a fear of knowledge in evangelical Christianity. But normally in relationships, the more we love someone, the more we want to know about that person.

The Cult You’ve All Fallen For

But everyone who has joined; everyone who has gone all-in with this cult has come up lacking. Many people make it to the highest ranks of this cult and regret it.

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