Stephen Altrogge

Stephen is a husband, dad, writer. I drink too much coffee and know too much about Star Wars. I created The Blazing Center. I've also written some books which people seem to like. You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook . facebook: . twitter:

6 Warning Signs of a Bad Pastor and Spiritual Abuse

Here are six bright red warning signs of a bad pastor. We must be aware of these because few things sully Jesus' name and cause Christians to become disillusioned than an abusive spiritual leader.

5 Bedtime Prayers That Will Change Your Life

Bedtime prayers present a unique opportunity for us to connect with God. Bedtime prayer is an opportunity for us to reset, in a sense. To freshly connect with God. To properly align our hearts with God’s will before we go to sleep.

Why I Don’t Like Christmas Carols

A permanent scowl begins to harden on my face. My nostrils tend to flare more frequently. Why? Christmas carols. I don’t like them. And they’re everywhere! Let me tell you why I don't like Christmas carols.

Seriously: You Should Love God’s Wrath

The simple truth is that we don’t like to talk about God’s wrath. It makes us moderately uncomfortable. We prefer to talk about how God is loving, kind, and merciful, all of which are gloriously true. The wrath of God is just as glorious as his love and mercy.

A New Convert’s Guide to Christianese

If you’re going to communicate with other Christians, you need to memorize our code words and their definitions. What exactly are these code words? I’m glad you asked. What follows is a guide to understanding Christianese. Think of this as the Rosetta of the Christian world.

What The Prosperity Teachers Get Right

This much the prosperity teachers get right: God is generous with those who are generous, and he withholds from those who withhold.

Youth Group Regulars: The 14 Types of Kids You’ll Meet in Ministry

Discover the 14 types of kids you'll find in every youth group. This humorous account looks at the wide variety of personalities you're bound to encounter while ministering to teens.

Our Destiny Is Not About How to Go to Heaven

Everyone says they want to go to heaven, but a lot of times heaven sounds really boring to me. There, I said it. Phew. Glad that’s off my chest. No more secrets. No more hiding.

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