Articles for Outreach & Missions
Kondo and the Minimalists: Why Marie Kondo and Minimalism Are So Popular
Marie Kondo’s appeal goes far beyond the minimalist movement that seems more suited to spartan men than the average person. Kondo and the minimalists have a message for the church.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Remembrance of Death
Virtually every classic writer holds up the remembrance of death as an essential spiritual discipline. It will help us to live a life that is celebrated rather than mourned. “The man who is really concerned to live well must possess himself continually of the thought that he is not to live long.”
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
10 Manly Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son How To Do
I’m the proud father of 3 boys, ages 9, 11, & 17. And every day it’s increasingly clear in many ways that they are boys becoming men. I've learned some things about manly things every dad should teach his son from parenting my boys.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
15 Probing Questions to Ask Kids After School
For many families, school has either just started or is about to get underway soon. And every family needs good questions to ask kids after school. Here are 15 great questions.
Articles for Pastors
Christians and Family Planning: What Does God Want?
Family planning is a tricky topic to get to grips with. But regardless of a church leader’s own beliefs, it’s crucial that couples are encouraged to carefully consider their decision, including the consequences, while making sure that they adhere to God’s wishes at all times.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
The Top 25 Popular Podcasts for Kids
Podcasts are a great communication tool to share ideas, insights and teachings. Podcasts for kids are growing in popularity and there are now many podcasts that are geared for children.
Articles for Pastors
Living Wisely to Spite Satan
One of the devil’s go-to gambits is keeping us stupid but God wants us living wisely to spite Satan. What’s especially insidious about this ploy, however, is that the kind of stupid the devil wants for us doesn’t really have anything to do with intellect.
Articles for Pastors
The Real Cultural Core Issue: Disconnection
This post about disconnection was originally posted to my Facebook profile the day after the deadly mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio...Two mass shootings in twenty four hours. We’re severely broken.