Articles for Pastors
5 Truths You Should Know Before Entering Ministry
Here are five things I wish I could go back and tell 22-year-old me before entering ministry. I hope it’s an encouragement and challenge to you!
Articles for Pastors
God Is in Control: If That’s True, Then What About These Pressing Questions?
I'd like to suggest that there's a world of difference between "Everything happens for a reason" and "God brings reason out of everything that happens." This is how I see the phrase, God is in control.
Articles for Pastors
Being Bereans With Ourselves
It seems to me that when we talk about being a good Berean we’re usually thinking about assessing the claims of others that are brought before us. And we do need to be Bereans when it comes to the truth claims of others.
Articles for Pastors
Does Your Team Lack Trust? You CAN Rebuild It!
Organizations and teams that lack trust are unable to engage in unfiltered and passionate disagreement around the mission of the organization.
Articles for Pastors
8 Healthy Ways To Deal With It When Leadership Is Lonely
Leadership is lonely in some ways. With every step in leadership we make comes the inevitable increase in loneliness. The higher we climb in leadership, the more responsibilities we get, the lonelier we become.
Articles for Pastors
What Does it Mean to Build on the Rock?
Jesus offers his followers the kind of life that results in rest and peace. Yet Christians are thrown from crisis to crisis as if...
Articles for Pastors
Enjoying the Presence of Jesus
Do you make a practice of enjoying the presence of Jesus? Just as 2,000 years ago, Jesus welcomed sinners, he still welcomes sinners like us into his presence by his Spirit.
Articles for Pastors
Be Anxious for Nothing—Yes, but How?
The good news is that we can learn the things that make for peace. When we learn to pray the Jesus way, filled with thanksgiving, we can learn how to be anxious for nothing.