Easter Coloring Pages: Creative Resources to Delight Kids

Easter coloring pages


As Easter approaches, planning for special church festivities and events kicks into gear. Many activities require lots of legwork and preparation. (Think Lenten worship, cantatas, dramas, and more.) But children’s workers and Sunday school teachers have a quick, easy way to enhance the Easter experience for young learners. Easter coloring pages delight kids while conveying biblical truths about Jesus’ resurrection.

Free printable Easter coloring pages are ideal for all ages. Kids in preschool, elementary grades, and even junior high enjoy them. So do adults and many seniors! The pages often are available as free downloadable PDFs. And the religious imagery includes Jesus, the cross, the empty tomb, the disciples, and more. Christian symbols and events from Holy Week are often on Easter coloring pages. Examples include palm branches and Jesus on a donkey (Palm Sunday), a basin of water (Maundy Thursday), a crown of thorns (Good Friday), and a sunrise or lilies (Easter Sunday).

The Many Uses for Easter Coloring Pages

Use Easter coloring pages in Sunday school and children’s church. Teachers can distribute them as take-home papers or use them as time-fillers in class. Also include the coloring pages in children’s bulletins.

If your church hosts a community Easter egg hunt, you can include holiday coloring pages in goody bags. And if you hand out food baskets for Easter, include a coloring page along with a card. (Homebound residents may appreciate these religious-themed art activities too.)

Horizontal Easter coloring pages make perfect placemats for brunches and breakfasts. Simply set a basket of crayons on each table! Your church also can display colorful masterpieces created by young artists.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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