Summer Church Activities: 7 Faith-Builders for Families

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Looking for summer church activities for families? Then check out these easy, inexpensive, yet powerful suggestions. The ideas are sure to spark great conversations about faith.

Fancy trips and high-tech gadgets aren’t required for top-notch summer church activities. In fact, some of the best experiences occur during “down time.”

Encourage children and families to share thoughts about how they spend time together. Use these questions as a springboard for insightful discussions:

  • Which family times are most special to you, and why?
  • What do you wish we did more of together?
  • What do our favorite family experiences say about us?
  • How can we demonstrate our faith in God during these times together?
  • Why does Jesus like us to spend time with him?

Here are 7 faith-builders to use as summer church activities for families:

7 Summer Church Activities for Families

1. Nature Hunt

For younger children, make picture-based checklists of things found in nature. Then go outside to find each item listed. Kids can mark off the items with a pencil. Afterward, discuss what you noticed about God’s creation. Finally, praise God together for making everything you found.

2. Express Yourself

Use sidewalk chalk to declare your love for God and one another. Fill your driveway or sidewalk with special messages, family “portraits,” and short Bible passages.

3. Go for “Some More”

Set out ingredients for S’mores. Then make them together, assembly-line fashion. As you eat, ask: When has God done “some more” for you? Why do you think God wants us to do “some more” for others?

4. Let It Shine

Place floating candles in a kiddie pool. Next, use squirt guns to try to extinguish the candles. Talk about how we can shine our light for God, no matter what tries to put it out.

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