VBS Volunteer Gifts: 98 Ways to Say Thank You for Volunteering

VBS volunteer gifts
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VBS Volunteer Gifts: Presents They’ll Love

Personalized Gifts

  1. Personalize Christmas tree ornaments with names and a meaningful Scripture reference.
  2. Use paint pens to inscribe each volunteer’s name on a tea cup.
  3. Take class pictures. Frame them and have kids sign each frame.
  4. Have each child decorate a quilt square. Then have the squares sewn together for the children’s teacher.
  1. Make button pins for all your volunteers: “KIDS LOVE ME!”
  2. Copy your children’s ministry mission statement on computer mouse pads.
  3. Place classroom supplies such as stickers, stamps, and stamp pads inside a basket. Wrap it in colorful cellophane.
  4. Print your children’s ministry’s logo on coffee mugs. To each one, attach this note: “You add an extra measure of flavor!”
  5. Give T-shirts with your ministry logo.
  6. Have an advertising agency put your logo and theme verse on water bottles. Attach this note: “Thanks for running with our kids’ programs.”
  7. Give canvas tote bags imprinted with your logo, church name, and a special Bible verse.

Volunteer Gifts Everyone Will Enjoy

  1. Give inexpensive salt shakers with Matthew 5:13a printed on them.
  2. Give a small bouquet of flowers to say thank you for volunteering.
  3. Volunteer to take leftover “gift with purchase merchandise” off a department store’s hands to use as thank you gifts.
  4. Design a perpetual calendar with 365 of your favorite verses and phrases.
  5. Give a video rental coupon and a bag of microwave popcorn.
  6. Surprise a volunteer with a balloon bouquet.
  7. Plant a spring bulb in a clay pot. Use raffia to tie on this card: “Praise God that you’re blooming where he planted you!”
  8. Give a bottle of blowing bubbles with this: “Jesus’ love bubbles over in you!”
  9. Give “World’s Greatest Sunday School Teacher” pens or pencils to everyone.
  10. On a paddle ball racket, write: “Have fun after a great class.”
  11. Give holiday pens or pencils on a Sunday morning near a holiday.
  12. Place a pretty bow on a pack of recipe cards, including one of your favorite recipes. Attach this note: “You have the ingredients of a great teacher!”
  13. Give a four-pack of light bulbs with this note: “You’re the light of the world!”
  14. Decorate a plastic light switch plate with Micah 7:9.
  15. Give a gift certificate for dinner out.
  16. Use the internet to send a bouquet of flowers.
  17. Give a small rubber ball with this note: “Our kids are having a ball with you!”

VBS Volunteer Gifts: Treats

  1. Have a “Root Beer Float Party” with kids as the hosts.
  2. Hand out mixed bags of Hershey’s Hugs® and Kisses®.
  3. Give a 100 Grand® candy bar with this note: “You’re worth 100 Grand to us!”
  4. Give a banana with this message: “Thanks bunches! We go bananas for your help!”
  5. At Christmas, give a festive mug with a candy cane and a packet of cocoa inside.
  6. Give a long-stemmed chocolate rose with a “thank you for volunteering” message.
  7. Send a “cookie gram”—a giant cookie with “thanks” iced on it.
  8. Leave a plate of homemade cookies in each classroom.
  9. Fill plastic red apple containers with jelly bellies or sugarless candies. Give with this note: “You’re the apple of God’s eye!”
  10. Leave gold-wrapped chocolate coins or Hershey’s Kisses® with this note: “Your work with children is more precious than gold. Thanks!”
  11. Give each volunteer a gift certificate for a treat from Baskin-Robbins or TCBY.
  12. Give a package of M&M’s® with this note: “Thanks for sharing God’s Majesty & Might with our children!”
  13. Hold a “Cookie Exchange” where each parent bakes two dozen goodies. Gift wrap plates of varied goodies and have parents deliver the treats to volunteers’ homes.
  14. Give a pack of gum with this note: “Thanks for sticking with us!”

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