Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson: Teaching Kids About God’s Love

Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson: Teaching Kids About God’s Love

Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson (Cont.)


  • paper (1 sheet per child)
  • pencils (1 per child)
  • rulers (1 per child)

Measure Objects With Fingers

Say: perspective is a point of view, or the way we see things. And some things are not as they appear! Let’s observe and record different perspectives of objects around our room.

  • Give each child a sheet of paper, a pencil, and a ruler.
  • Have kids sit down and then choose an object in the room. It could be a picture or poster on a wall, a doorknob, a window, or a piece of furniture.
  • Kids each close one eye and hold up their fingers in front of the objects they see, as if pinching the objects between their thumb and pointer fingers, while remaining seated and at a distance from their chosen objects.
  • Have kids keep holding their fingers at the distance they see and slowly place their fingers down onto the paper.
  • Have each child use a pencil to mark the distance between thumb and finger on the paper and then use a ruler to measure the distance.

Measure Actual Objects

Say: Our measurements are small! Those objects have to be bigger than a couple of inches, right? Let’s measure the objects and compare our findings.

  • Have kids move from their seats and use rulers to measure and record the actual size of the objects. Then have them compare the actual measurements to their finger measurements.
  • Repeat, having kids select other objects around the room.

Talk About How Love Is a Fruit of the Spirit


  • How did the actual size of the objects compare to your finger measurements?
  • What makes God’s love feel small sometimes?

Say: Our perspective can make things seem small. But when we’re up close to the real thing, we realize how big it really is! Sometimes our perspective of God is small, too. But when we’re close to God, we see and experience a truer view of his love for us—and it’s big! 

Point to one object in the room. Have kids each close one of their eyes while they hold a thumb up in front of the object, making the object seemingly disappear. Then have kids open their eyes again so they see the object without moving their thumbs.


  • How is the object in our room like God’s love for us?

Say: Even if we feel far away, God’s love never changes or goes away. Love is a fruit of the Spirit. God’s love is constant and doesn’t change, regardless of our limited perspective. When we’re close to God, his love flows through us to other people in need of God’s never-ending, constant love.

This Fruit of the Spirit Bible lesson originally appeared here.